Time Tracking within Sonido is tied to project records and will record tracked time within the Time Tracking tab in a project. Open a project, then navigate to the Time Tracking tab (next to Notes, To Dos and Bookings tabs) to get started.
If you are not seeing the Time Tracking tab, you may not have Time Tracking activated in your Company Settings. Learn how to activate Time Tracking here.
To start a timer for tracking time, select the "Start Timer" button within the Time Tracking tab. This will open a dialog where you can select the appropriate Project (this project will default to the current project you have open, but you can change it as needed) and Task to be tracked.
If you need to track time for a task that is not in your list, you can create additional tasks from the Time Tracking setup in Company Settings.
You also have the option to add any Notes that you'd like attached to the time tracking entry. This allows you to specify details of what was accomplished or challenges that were faced during the tracked time.
When you are ready for your timer to begin tracking time for the selected project and task, select "Start Tracking".
A timer will open on the screen and you will visually see the time counting up. The timer will include the Project name, the task you are working on, the elapsed time, and some options to manage the timer further. The timer will continue to track time until you take action on the timer, even if you switch your screen to another program, such as your DAW. However, you must keep Sonido open within your browser for the time to continue tracking.
The timer has a couple different options which we will explore here.
The timer for tracking time is meant to be displayed at all times while tracking time. If you wish to continue working within Sonido, but find that the timer is sometimes in the way, you can select the "Minimize" button. The timer will reduce in size, allowing you to continue working within your account while the timer continues to count.
When you are ready to stop the timer, you can press the "Stop" button. As soon as you press stop, the timer will stop tracking time and the entry will be posted to the Time Tracking tab for the project. You will see information, such as the Task Name, Start Time, Stop Time, Duration (in hours) and other options.
For convenience, you are able to simply change a task within the time tracker while time is counting. This action is helpful in cases where you are working on the same project and are simply moving to the next step in the process. For example, if you are editing a project, and you want to begin tracking your time for mixing. Rather than stop the timer and click to start a new timer, you can simply change the Task within the current timer window and continue working.
Upon switching the Task, you will see a confirmation dialog that asks if you want stop and record the time for the current Task and start a new timer for the new selected Task. As soon as you press "Change Task", the previous time will be saved on the project Time Tracking tab and a new timer will begin.
There may be cases where you need to enter tracked time in the past or outside of the real-time timer. From the Time Tracking tab in a project, you can select the "Manual Entry" button to save a time entry manually.
In the dialog that appears, you will select the appropriate project, Task, Start Time and Stop Time, then press save. The manual time entry will then populate in the Time Tracking tab on the project with any other recorded time entries.
After a period of 2-hours, if there has been no activity within your Sonido account, computer or device, Sonido will display a Time Tracking Reminder dialog. This dialog provides you a convenient way to adjust your timer end time, in the case that you forgot to end your tracked time on a task.
By pressing "Adjust End Time" in this dialog, you will be able to correct the end time and save your tracked time; if you have no need to adjust the end time and want the timer to continue running, you can press "Ignore" and the timer will continue. Either way, the timer will continue until you take necessary action (one exception to this is if you close your Sonido browser tab or window. This action will not record the time being tracked, as closing the browser will lose any time being counted. There are preventative measures in place to try and avoid losing your time, but be sure to end any timers before closing your browser).
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